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2023 District Council Ordinary Election - Home

Election Results



Counting Station Candidiate Number
1 2 3 4
D0101 Aberdeen Sports Centre -- -- -- --
*D0801 Wah Kwai Community Hall -- -- -- --
D0901 Caritas Chong Yuet Ming Secondary School -- -- -- --
D1001 TWGHs Hok Shan School -- -- -- --
D1101 Caritas Wu Cheng-Chung Secondary School -- -- -- --
D1102 Playground of Upper Baguio Villa -- -- -- --
D1103 Level 4, Cyberport 1 -- -- -- --
D1201 Shine Skills Centre (Pokfulam) -- -- -- --
D1202 Chi Fu Community Hall -- -- -- --
D1301 Caritas Jockey Club Aberdeen Social Centre -- -- -- --
D1302 SKH Tin Wan Chi Nam Primary School -- -- -- --
D1401 Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School -- -- -- --

*The Main Counting Station of the District Council Geographical Constituency concerned